At Bythlon, we believe everyone should have the confidence to ride.
Whether you’re struggling with the concept of being fixed to your bike, tried and failed, suffered an accident or are searching for a solution to allow you to ride free without being locked in, then Bythlon is for you.
Innovated by triathlete Martin Feuerhahn, Bythlon was born from a frustration with clipless pedals. With thousands of cyclists struggling to clip in and out, along with high numbers of accidents and injuries each year, Bythlon has been innovated as a progressive solution to clipless.
High attention to detail has been given in the design, to ensure comfort and safety, whilst allowing cyclists to maximise their performance.
Sarah Parry
UK partner Sarah was a dedicated user of the Bythlon product before becoming an affiliate of the brand. After years of competitive cycling on platform pedals, Bythlon allowed Sarah to eventually ride a road shoe with confidence. Since transitioning to Bythlon Sarah’s performances have improved week on week.
Ben Parry
UK partner Ben is a committed cyclist. Ben switches from clipless to Bythlon when needing a more multi-purpose pedal that allows him to use his bike for commuting and competition with equal comfort. After years in clipless Ben believes Bythlon is a strong alternative for those wanting a clip-free cycle experience.